Nine stats on how to get a second date just released nine great stats on dating. Check ’em out.

1. 33% of single people met their last date online, and 26% met through a friend. And you’re 78% more likely to get a second date if you met online.

2. The ideal first date should last right around two-and-a-half hours. Any longer and your chances of landing a second date start going down.

3. Men expect a first date to cost $68 . . . women expect it to cost $56 . . . and both say a second date should cost about $10 more than the first date.

4. Ordering sushi on a first date ups your chances of getting a second date by 170%, which was higher than any other food. Ordering a cocktail ups your chances by 137%.

5. Almost NO one expects sparks to fly on a first date. 59% said they don’t expect to feel chemistry until date two. And about a third don’t expect it until at least date three.

6. Talking politics on a first date actually INCREASES your chances of getting a second date by 91%. And 25% said if you’re not registered to vote, it’s a deal-breaker.

7. Over 80% said they’re also fine talking about religion, gun control, and immigration.

8. Only 20% of men care if their date knows about sports. And only 10% of women care if a guy is up on pop culture news.

9. 50% said ending a “good” first date with a kiss is okay. But only 6% of men and 1% of women go into a first date expecting sex.

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