The five reasons we get dressed up

A new survey found the average American spends nearly five-and-a-half hours grooming themselves every week. That includes showering, getting dressed, doing their hair, and putting on makeup.

During the course of a year, that’s almost 12 full days. So, why do we devote that much time to making ourselves look good? Or, you know, at least presentable?

The top five reasons for men and women are pretty similar — except only men admit it’s because they’re trying to get some lovin’.

The top five reasons women spend time looking good are: To feel good about themselves; to make a good first impression; to set an example for their kids; to express their individuality; and to feel in control.

The top five reasons men spend time looking good are: To feel good about themselves; to make a good first impression; to set an example for their kids; to please their wife or girlfriend; and to impress hot girls.

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